Our review paper Multiscale in modelling and validation for solar photovoltaics together with members of Multiscale Solar COST Action is published on EPJ Photovoltaics. The main aim of the Multiscale Solar networks is to explore the challenges in the implementation of...
Guest PhD Min He is a visiting PhD from Xi’an Jiaotong University. Her PhD project focuses on experimental and computational study of the mechanisms of the hydrogen interaction with steels with various microstructures and compositions. Min was a visiting PhD at our...
PhD Candidate Email: k.wilke@tue.nl Konrad Wilke received his Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Technical University Dresden (TUD) in 2017. He continued his studies at TUD and extended his broad experimental profile towards computational approaches. In his Master’s...
PhD Candidate Email: v.tyagi@tue.nl Viren Tyagi received his bachelor’s degree (with honours) in Physics from University of Delhi (India) in 2021. After that, he moved to National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (India) for his master’s degree in physics...
PhD Candidate Email: a.gulkaya@tue.nl Aybuke Gulkaya obtained a BSc degree in 2019 and MSc degree in 2022 in Chemistry from Middle East University (METU) in Turkey. In her Master’s thesis, she worked on development of a new protocol for scanning major...
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