Haibo Xue, in collaboration with colleagues from The Chinese University of Hong Kong has proven that large cations like Guanidium can fit into the perovsikte lattice with simultaneous introduction of the small-size ions like Cs+ and Br-. In this research, FAPbI3...
As one of the six international experts in the area of solar cell materials, Shuxia Tao has been invited as a guest editor at open access journal PLOS ONE. The focus collection is ‘Photovoltaic Solar Cell Materials: Design, Fabrication and Testing’. This...
Our review paper on CsPb(IxBr1-x)3 solar cells is published today on Science Bulletin. The work is lead by Prof. Liming Ding (National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing, China) and summarizes insights provided by several key researchers. The paper...
Shuxia has been awarded pretigious IAAM young scientist medal of 2019 at 27th European Advanced Materials Congress, August, 11-14, Sweden. She delivered an IAAM award lecture and chaired the session ‘Computational Materials & Modelling’.
Mike Pols joined our group as a student research assistant. With strong background in both Physics and Chemistry from TU/e, he will be exploring a new research direction of ‘atom-thin 2D materials in perovskite solar cells’. Welcome, Mike!
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