Force fields for perovskites

Force fields for perovskites

In collaboration with Juan Anta (UPO) and Sofia Calero (TU/e), Vicent has recently developed a set of classical force fields for mixed perovskites: mixed halide perovskites. This work is recently accepted for publication by Journal of Materials Chemistry A....

Our research featured at solar energy research@TU/e

As part of a campaign to highlight the work TU/e does in the area of sustainability, the research of our group on perovskite solar cells are highlighted in a focus area of the solar PV. The article entitled ‘How TU/e technology bring endless power of the sun to...


If you had asked me three months ago how the start of my Master thesis project would have gone, I would have definitely not predicted that things would have been the way they are now. Instead of working from the group office at DIFFER, all work is now done from home....