Guest researcher Lei Song obtained her PhD degree in Theoretical Chemistry at Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands) in 2016. Before she joined our group she worked as a postdoc researcher at University of Stuttgart (Germany) from 2016 to 2018. Her past...
Master Student Email: Sander Raaijmakers obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Applied Physics at the Eindhoven University of Technology in 2019, with a thesis on the atomic layer deposition of cobalt phosphate for solar fuel applications....
Master Student Email: Victor Brouwers obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Applied Physics at the Eindhoven University of Technology in 2020 (Cum Laude), with a thesis on comparing algorithmic and machine learning approaches to feature...
Guest PhD E-mail: Subash Gireesan completed his Master’s degree at the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai. During his Masters, he worked on modelling the chemical transformations happening inside a cavitating bubble, with the aim of maximizing...
Guest PhD Min He is a visiting PhD from Xi’an Jiaotong University. Her PhD project focuses on experimental and computational study of the mechanisms of the hydrogen interaction with steels with various microstructures and compositions. Min was a visiting PhD at our...
Bachelor Student Email: Allard van Belois is one of the students working on his Bachelor final project in our group. He is currently finishing his Bachelors study at departments of Applied Physics and Mathematics with a research project on...
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