Temperature dependent chirality in halide perovskites

Temperature dependent chirality in halide perovskites

Chiral halide perovskites, known for their unique combination of chirality and excellent semiconducting properties, have emerged as a compelling class of materials for investigating quantum phenomena, such as chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) and chiral optical...
Defects in perovskites: 2D vs 3D

Defects in perovskites: 2D vs 3D

Two-dimensional (2D) organic–inorganic hybrid iodide perovskites have recently been proposed as stable alternatives to their three-dimensional (3D) counterparts for various promising applications, including photovoltaics (PV), light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and...

Website update (finally!).

The CMPG website is now undergoing a major update after two years! Do come back for a complete new look within 1-2 weeks.

Sofia defended her PhD thesis

Very poud to annouce Sofia succesfully defended her thesis: formation and optimization of halide perovskite interfaces from first principles. The thesis is highlighted at TU/e and can be found here. Congratulations, Sofia! We wish you a lot of success for your new...

CMP group at ACOS conference

This year ACOS hosted by CCER and NWO took place at DIFFER and many of our group members participated in the meeting and had fun and fruiteful disucssion with other computational scientists. Zehua, Sofia, Vicent and Mike gave poster pitch and presentations of their...

Congratulations to Junke for succesfully defending his PhD thesis

Proud to annouce Junke succesfully defended his thesis: stabilizing metal halide perovskites by computational compositional engineering. The thesis is highlighted at TU/e homepage and can be found here. Congratulations Dr. Jiang and we wish you a lot of success for...