Master Student

Henry Kwan obtained his BSc. Chemical Engineering and Chemistry at the Eindhoven University of Technology in 2022. He continues to study in Eindhoven in Masters Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering. During his bachelor’s, he was active in organizing the international SensUs Student Competition for better-personalized healthcare in the field of biosensing, where he had roles as the treasurer and lab assistant. For this, he completed his bachelor’s with honours.
His graduation project Towards the theoretical efficiency limit: Fine-tuning CszFA1-zSnyPb1-y(IxBr1-x)3 perovskites for multi-junction solar cells is a collaboration between two groups: the theoretical part is performed in the Computational Materials Physics group, and the experimental part is performed in the M2N group, both located at TU/e. For his thesis, he collects data from experiments to perform DFT calculations for understanding the underlying chemical and physical principles of bandgap control and possible defect formation.
While performing these experiments, Henry thinks that making the perfect perovskite film is like trying out a new cake recipe. It is all about the finest details whether you succeed or horribly fail.
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