Master Student
Victor Brouwers obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Applied Physics at the Eindhoven University of Technology in 2020 (Cum Laude), with a thesis on comparing algorithmic and machine learning approaches to feature recognition in STM images. During his Bachelor study, he spent a summer at Chengdu University in China to study Chinese culture and political history while doing a consultancy project for PwC.
During the first year of his Master’s, he founded a student team HART focused on human augmentation to expand the human senses.
Victor joined our group in September 2021 for this master graduation project on on-the-fly machine learning force fields for halide perovskites. For his project, he collaborated closely with Mike, and defended his thesis with a grade of 9.5, earning cum laude for his master!
Since early 2023, after his graduation, Victor works as a Consultant at McKinsey Digital.
M. Pols, V. Brouwers, S. Calero, S. Tao, How Fast Do Defects Migrate in Halide Perovskites: Insights From On‑the‑Fly Machine‑Learned Force Fields, Chem. Commun., 59 (31), 4660-4663 (2023).
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