PhD Candidate

Viren Tyagi received his bachelor’s degree (with honours) in Physics from University of Delhi (India) in 2021. After that, he moved to National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (India) for his master’s degree in physics which he obtained in 2023. The work for his master’s thesis was done at Eindhoven University of Technology under Dr. Shuxia Tao, titled “Active learning of Bayesian force fields for halide perovskites.”
He joined the group as a doctoral candidate in July 2023. Continuing around the theme of his master’s thesis, Viren is currently working utilizing machine learned force fields for studying the dynamical properties of halide perovskites including defect dynamics, phase stabilization, and crystal growth.
He is a big sports fan and an avid supporter of Chelsea football club. He also enjoys doing theatre and collecting music.
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