Shuxia Tao teaches at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and regularly gives invited lectures at external institutes and universities. Currently, she teaches the following courses.
- Physics of Energy: Sources, Transport and Storage (3DEX0) is a multidisciplinary bachelor course offered to several departments e.g. Applied Physics, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Sustainable Energy Technology and Electrical Engineering.
- Computational Materials Science (3MN200) is a master course offered within tracks of ‘Nano, Quantum and Photonic’ and ‘Fluids, Bio and Soft Matter’ at the Department of Applied Physics.
We are constantly looking for enthusiastic and bright researchers in all levels (BSc, MSc and PhD and Postdoctoral). We also invite self-funded PhD and Postdoctoral researcher to apply personal fellowships. Available projects are listed below. For general inquiries, contact Shuxia Tao.
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